Sunday, August 9, 2009

The Vancouver Airport.

So, Vancouver International is one of those truly awesome airports that offers free Wi-Fi. Hence, I am sitting here in the airport checking e-mail, wishing there was a way to get to Calgary, a bed and a shower any faster. Still, I have always liked the Vancouver airport. My wife and I were on our honeymoon here exactly six years ago and really fell in love with the city. Since then, I have flown through here several times and always have good memories of that time. It is a bit painful to be within a few hours of my sister, nephew and cousins without getting to see and call them, especially since I think my cousins are actually in Victoria today.

My flight is not to leave for another hour and a half, but I am off to kill some more time and maybe to stave off the greasy Italian in me with another pseudo-sink bath. Ah, the joys of low budget international travel.

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