Thursday, August 6, 2009


I have always loved books and want to have an immense library in my home eventually. So, it is with great excitement and an overwhelming sense of gratitude to both professors and both postdocs who mentored me most at Berkeley that I say two of the papers I was lucky enough to collaborate on during graduate school (one on soliton scattering and one on local smoothing/Strichartz estimates) have found their way into the new book entitled Introduction to Nonlinear Dispersive Equations by F. Linares and G. Ponce. Perhaps I should be over such things, but to appear in the bibliography of a textbook feels pretty darn pretty exciting to me. It never really occurred to me that such a thing was possible, but somehow I was fortunate enough to be able to work on some really interesting projects during graduate school with several people much smarter than me. Hopefully we will continue to see further development of expository and introductory material in this field, and if I continue to be graced with generous collaborators and interesting projects, maybe those works can also be part of them.

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