Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Meine Geburtstag.

Well, in Germany it is officially my birthday. Though I get to spend tomorrow night with a great group of friends, I certainly miss home tonight. There are many stories I would like to tell about people I would love to be near, the places I would like to be near them, and things we could do there, but tonight I am too tired and cannot find the words.

I thought turning 29 would leave me feeling a sense of loss for my youth and disappointment in all that I have failed to do at this point. However, for tonight at least, looking back instead leaves me honestly feeling pretty satisfied with all the joys, pains, laughter, discoveries, victories, failures, surprises, adventures and challenges I have experienced with those who have been willing along the way to this point. Hopefully the next 29 years will be even richer.


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JEREMY! I am sure I speak for all your family and friends when I say that we too wish you were here to celebrate the grand entrance of your 29th year.

  2. Happy Birthday, Jeremy! Here's to a happy 29th year!
